Better and understanding the quality of those sections. So if you…walk through your site step by step, then I would expect to see…a gradual change in the way we view your site. But, I also assume that if... you've had a low quality site since 2014, that's a long time to... maintain a low quality site, and that's something where I suspect there's a lot different signals that ... tell us that this is probably not such a good site. (Note: Hat tip to Glenn Gabe for surfacing.) I want to draw your attention to the bold part of the comment above.
Doesn't that make you wonder what the "many different signals are?" While it's important not to over-analyze every Googler statement, it certainly seems like the associated signals would imply some form of cumulative user engagement metric. However, if it were as jewelry retouching service simple as improving user engagement, it probably wouldn't take long for someone hit by a Panda penalty to recover - as soon as users started responding better to the site, the problem would probably resolve quickly. And the
CTR? Larry Kim is passionate about the possibility of Google directly using CTR as an SEO ranking factor. By the way, read this article. It's a good read, as it gives you tons of tips on how to improve your CTR – which is very clearly a good thing regardless of SEO ranking impact. Chart of CTR vs. Rank That said, I don't think Google's algorithm is as simple as measuring the CTR on a search result and moving higher CTR items higher up in the SERPs. On the one hand, that would be way too easy a signal for the game, and