Money generated by the sale of photographs, is used by Telephone Number List the children to fund their education and family income. Rather than seeking to "convince" others, or to limit the space available to competing voices, creative Telephone Number List businesses have a focus on opening up and creating dialogue. The confidence of a creative business is reflected in its willingness to trust its own voice and the voice of the people who have a stake in the vision.
Principle 8: Contribution & the Creations Telephone Number List out of the Blue Ltd. Rather than an identity of entitlement, creative businesses see themselves as contributors whose role is to give something of themselves. For creative Telephone Number List businesses the size of the potential impact is no deterrent to contribution. Creations out of the Blue Ltd. is a small community cooperative nestled in an isolated area of NSW, Australia.
Located in a community Telephone Number List where rates of drug addition, domestic violence and unemployment are amongst the highest in the state, this business makes all the difference. Run by 12 local women, the business provides a place Telephone Number List where the women can contribute their art and craft skills to others, and generate an income from the sale of their works.