Here's the thing: If you don't know your subject matter, why should your subscribers trust you? Really. They don't have any reason to. And if you are trying to pretend you are an expert, then Buy Email Database shame on you. Of course no one is buying from you. The very first thing you need to do is to genuinelyBuy Email Database become an expert. One of the objections I get to this idea from time to time is that it takes too long to become an expert. Then maybe you shouldn't be trying to build an online business.
You see, business is only something that people who have something worthy to Buy Email Database sell, can really achieve at. Imagine going to a roadside market where they sell vegetables. Do you buy the Buy Email Database old, rotten ones, or do you buy the fresh ones? You buy the fresh vegetables. You only buy the best. You cannot expect others to be willing to buy from you if your knowledge isn't fresh. They won't. And rightfully so. Distractions: If your goal is important, find a way to ignore them:-) This is a big one.
The question I ask is this: are your distractions more important than your goals? If so, let your distractions master you. If not - then just ignore them. What you spend your time on is usually Buy Email Database what you really think is important. So if answering every phone call is more important than retiring well, then answer all your phone calls and retire poor. Or,